Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Do site,

Autopoiesis literally means "auto (self)-creation" (from the Greek: auto - αυτό for self- and poiesis - ποίησις for creation or production) and expresses a fundamental dialectic between structure and function.

Pois bem... eu estava lendo o paper Chaos and Pattern in Complex Systems, de Ben Goertzel... Interessante até. Mas...

Perdi a conta de quantas vezes li referências como

"Another possibility, suggested in Goertzel (1993a, 1993b,1994)...",

Até que chegamos ao ápice do provinciânico despotismo acadêmico:

"[...] developed collaboratively by the author and Gwen Goertzel, called the chaos language algorithm (CLA), and described in detail in Goertzel and Goertzel (1995)."

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