Saturday, November 10, 2007

A little matter of irony

[Dear friend Souria, this one goes in English so that you can read it as well... I hope I'll be able to try some french soon!]

Is it all about irony? Two days ago I wrote this bizarre and untippical tale that started with a car accident. And now you guess what just happend! Wow, that wasn't a hard thing to guess, was it?

I had stopped on the red traffic light. I looked on the mirror and saw a car comming right toward me, and the driver was just... looking to his right to something more interesting than the stopped car (me!) in front of him! I tryied to get away from there but there were people crossing the street ahead so there was not much room for any saving maneuver...

It was not a serious crash actualy and only the painting was a little bit damaged.

What's the irony, after all? That I had a little car accident two days after writing about one, or that I only get involved in some problem with my car when I'm sober? May be I shouldn't be writing these questions in order to leave no room for future ironies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Axel for doing the effort to write in english for me. Y're really a very nice boy :)
It's really strange what happen to you and your car !