This is a special calendar which has been developed for handling rush jobs. All rush jobs are wanted yesterday. With this calendar a client can order his work on the 7th and have it delivered on the 3rd.
Everyone wants his job by Friday so there are three Fridays in each week.
There are eight new days at the end of the month for those end-of-the-month jobs.
There is no 1st of the month - so there can't be late delivery of end-of-the-month jobs on the 1st.
A "blue Monday" or Monday morning hangover can't happen as all Mondays have been eliminated.
There are no bothersome unproductive Saturdays or Sundays.
With no 15th, 30th or 31st, no time off is necessary for cashing salary cheques or paying bills.
Mirday is a special day added each week for performing miracles.
Source: Mackenzie College Newsletter Fairlie, South Island, New Zealand